University Committee for the Undergraduate Curriculum (CUC) 2020-2021
The University Committee on the Undergraduate Curriculum (CUC) oversees the evolution of the undergraduate curriculum, ensuring it meets University goals, is academically sound, and is responsible to undergraduate educational needs. In pursuit of this mission, the Committee regularly communicates with and advises the Faculty Senate regarding curricular issues arising from the Committee’s work or brought to its attention.
Charge to the Committee
The CUC’s specific responsibilities include the following:
- Review proposed changes to Rice’s general undergraduate curriculum, and present its findings and recommendations to the Faculty Senate for final approval. Such matters include: proposals for new majors, proposals for new minors, revisions of existing majors and minors, and changes to the distribution course system.
- Approve changes to the undergraduate curriculum in areas where the Faculty Senate has delegated this power to the CUC. This includes approval of individual area majors (in cooperation with the Office of Academic Advising and the chairs of the relevant departments).
- Conduct fifth year review of undergraduate certificate programs and make recommendations for renewal; conduct periodic review of interdisciplinary minors.
- Advise, review, or approve other matters as delegated by the Faculty Senate and agreed to by the CUC.
- Initiate study of issues regarding a) improvement of the general undergraduate curriculum or b) specific undergraduate curriculum concerns. These issues may arise from the CUC’s work or may be brought to its attention by the Faculty Senate.
- Communicate with and advise the Dean of Undergraduates and the Provost (who serve as ex officio members) on proposals that might affect the undergraduate curriculum.
- Provide a written annual report to the Faculty Senate and to the President of Rice University on the CUC’s activities